The starting
point of many of these medical interventions is fear and specifically the fear
of pain and losing control of ones body.
An integral part of pain management during labor and delivery lies in being able to identify your sources of fear and anxiety and having the opportunity to process those fears before labor. It is true that labor does not have to be painful. Holding onto fear tension and stress in the mind will create a situation that fosters the development of certain chemicals in the brain that inhibit labor and intensify the sensation of pain. When one is able to let go of these fears in the mind, the body will follow. That being said, there are many ways build the foundation for a pain free birth, and yes a pain free birth is possible! If "painless" seems out of reach, then certainly there are a variety of activities that will help you to build confidence in yourself and assist you in letting your body and mind surrender to the birthing process. Sacred Pathways is here to guide you in the many ways to transform fear into confidence. Jessica will hold the space to support and guide you in exploring whatever blocks might be in the way of a peaceful and positive birthing experience. Taking a deep look inside oneself can often be the first step in accepting the call to adventure in this heroic journey. Mindfulness can be thought of as the non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness involves acceptance, compassion towards oneself and others and being conscious in each moment. The ability to stay in the present moment and maintain a relaxed state of mind has been strongly associated with having a positive and uncomplicated birth experience. Holding the belief in your mind that your body is fully capable of birthing is shown to substantially reduce the risk of unnecessary medical interventions during labor and delivery. |